Undoubtedly Steve Jobs made Apple the brand that it is today. Since the announcement last week that he is to stand down as CEO there has been much speculation as to how or if the company will maintain its Jobs led success rate.
Apple is by now such an established brand that Jobs departure, whilst remarkable and sad in terms of his personal life, means his legacy of progress and innovation will survive. However as a brand ambassador he may be hard to replace.
Market researchers Ipsos revealed this week that former Midas tipped ambassadors Tiger Woods and Wayne Rooney are now the least favored by the UK public, their personal misdemeanors having completely overshadowed the sporting gifts of both.
In terms of brand ambassadors, there have been some amusing strays from core values. There was the time that family- orientated Kellogg’s awoke to pictures of US Olympic gold medalist Cory Phelps clutching a bong, ingesting more than just cornflakes. He was promptly dropped. Conversely, Rimmel decided to stick with Kate Moss subsequent to her ’05 coke scandal. Other backers such as Burberry and Chanel didn’t quite have the stomach for such flagrant drug abuse and dispensed with her services.
Does anyone recall Jamie Oliver’s Sainsbury’s heyday? Those vibrant TV ads depicting the chef at home dining with family and friends on branded goodies? It didn’t quite retain its authenticity when his wife Jools was pictured laden down with Waitrose shopping.
Curvaceous Fern Britton, lost all legitimacy as low fat snack ‘Ryvita’s Shapes’ spokeswoman when she was revealed to have had a gastric band fitted.
Of similar ilk to Jobs, Richard Branson is an outstanding ambassador for Virgin. He lives his brand – be it trains, planes, or, ehmm, islands! Aside from CEOs there are other positive associations – Gary Lineker and Walkers; one woman powerhouse brand – Beyoncé; Roger Federer and anything (recently voted world’s best sports ambassador by OnePoll research).
If you own or manage the brand then as an ambassador you are the safest bet and judging by our examples earn a mightily impressive return. Generally though it seems the role of the brand ambassador is that of a very, very, very highly paid cheerleader. Nice work if you can get it.